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介绍:斧子警察又译《Axe Cop》,是2013年FOX全新喜剧动画斧子警察原著是2010年由一位美国的5岁小男孩Malachai Nicolle撰写,再由29岁的哥哥Ethan Nicolle绘制成漫画的网络连载漫画,2013年被FOX电视台再制作成动画。





    介绍:Matthew’s life is devastated after the disappearance of his younger brother, Tom. Matthew’s father had left him to look after Tom and now Matthew feels responsible. His father is trying to hold back the anger and the blame but the cracks are beginning to show. One day Matthew is looking through a box of press clippings and video tapes about Tom’s disappearance. Suddenly he hears a ghostly voice on one of the video tapes telling him “you never came for me!”. It’s the voice of his missing brother. He shows the tape to his father, Jake. This time there’s no voice and Jake flies into a rage as the wound is reopened. Matthew tells his best friend Simon about the voices on the tape. Is he losing his mind, is Tom alive or dead? At home, Matthew plays the tape and hears Tom’s voice again, desperately pleading for help. Then Matthew sees Tom at the window, gaunt and haggard. He rushes out to Tom but no one is there… Matthew strikes up a friendship with next-door neighbour Amy, who is beautiful but troubled. He talks to her about Tom and she suggests he visits a local medium. Matthew is unsure but he is again haunted by nightmarish visions of Tom. When he tries to sleep he has recurring nightmares that he is being buried alive. In desperation he goes to visit Melissa, the medium, who tells him that the area has been cursed through the ages. Her daughter gives Matthew a present, the drawing of a young girl. The following day Matthew is shocked when he finds out that Simon’s sister, Sophie, has been abducted. Matthew realises that the drawing by the medium’s daughter is of Sophie. The hauntings escalate, Matthew’s state of mind deteriorates. Only Amy seems to believe him, as a tentative romance grows between them. Matthew knows that he needs to get to the bottom of Tom’s disappearance if he is ever going to save Sophie. There is no going back as he hurtles towards the stark, chilling truth… The Disappeared…you can’t bury the past.





      介绍:In this spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their upstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe. In a spinoff of the successful series JUST ADD MAGIC, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their downstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe.





        介绍:当你被逼上绝路,你只能火力全开,大开杀戒!心狠手辣,激爆你的肾上腺素! 布莱恩是一家私募基金创投公司的业务总监,无端端被资遣后,还倒欠公司一屁股债,狗急跳墙之际,他希望透过一个毒品交易快速致富,以弥补他的财务黑洞;因此他决定孤注一掷,将他所剩不多的财产梭哈到这桩毒品买卖中,打算海捞一票,谁知半路却杀出程咬金,两个少年偷走他准备买卖毒品的钱,心狠手辣的毒枭更是紧追在后,当一个男人被逼上绝路,他只能选择火力全开!





          介绍:恐怖的电锯杀人魔,任何人都逃离不了他的魔掌! 维莫和他疯狂的家人,一直是以杀戮、折磨人为乐。这次,珍妮和她朋友不小心陷入维莫的杀戮游戏,在这午夜森林中,他们能成功的逃出吗?