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介绍:In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.










      介绍:One of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in three parts. The first is the swooning romance of Sasha and pilot Aleksei, who scrupulously determines that Sasha has graduated school before succumbing to her aggressive pursuit of him. Chukhrai establishes a strenuous camera style, consisting of swooping movement punctuated by tight closeups, which he carries over to the second part, the couple’s wartime separation. (The couple by fiat consider themselves married—a nice anti-bureaucratic touch.) One passage, where Sasha hopes to catch a glimpse of her father in a troop train passing through, is visually hysterical due to this “style.” Word arrives that Aleksei’s plane has been shot down; the nation proclaims him a dead hero. Sasha bears Aleksei’s son and still hopes her beloved will return. The war ends, and he does. Part Three is narratively elliptical and, visually, mostly subdued—a different style; a different film, given the narrative through-line. Stripped of his “posthumous” medal, as well as his Communist Party membership, Aleksei turns to drink; his crime is that he survived, from which cowardice or even collaboration with the enemy can be deduced. (Apparently Aleksei was unconscious when he was caught and imprisoned by Germans.) Aleksei keeps petitioning for Party reinstatement, but after confronting a statue of Stalin even he loses confidence in his cause! Stalin dies, and everything is set right. Aleksei looks on with pride as the son who disdained him lands a plane from the now clear sky!The film was produced during the short period in the Khrushchev administration when criticism of the abuse of power under Stalin's leadership was accepted; within three years, Brezhnev had risen to power and this sort of commentary would once again be forbidden.Действие происходит в СССР в 1950-е годы.Лётчик Алексей Астахов воевал и попал в плен, потом бежал. В мирное время Алексей столкнулся с недоверием и подозрительностью - как военнослужащий, побывавший в плену и тем самым "запятнавший моральный облик советского летчика". Алексей страдает, не может найти работу по профессии и место в жизни. Его спасает любовь Саши Львовой, которую она пронесла через войну и все трудности послевоенного времени. После смерти Сталина Астахова вызывают в Минобороны, где возвращают звезду Героя Советского Союза. Алексей возвращается в авиаотряд и испытывает самолеты.





        介绍: Reporter Alicja Tabor returns to Walbrzych, the city of her childhood. There she will go back to all her hardcore family secret dramas, and start investigating a sinister case related to the disappearance of children.





          介绍:讲述在莫斯科50年代一群年轻人为了听另类的音乐、穿另类的服饰、坚持独特的方式而寻找自我和与社会抗争的故事 影片开头讲诉的是50年代的前苏联一群叛逆的青年想要自由,和别人不一样,在大环境下显示出鲜明的对比,画面色彩部分尤为强烈,随着剧情的深入,这种封闭的社会和开放的意识形成强烈的冲突。男主角的改变到对女主角的爱加上朋友之间的感情,父亲对孩子的支持理解,让影片有一种浓浓的人文关怀,导演在优美的歌舞中传达着对那个年代的自我封闭一种反抗,不过不失,不卑不亢,彰显功力,镜头的运用,剪切的手法均属一流,歌舞桥段也保留着俄罗斯的风格,对爵士音乐的渲染也体现了追求自由的深度。 俄罗斯一直盛产美女,影片中的女主角们都十分养眼,Oksana Akinshina和永远的莉莉亚那个时候比只是成熟了许多,并没有太大的改变。 谁都曾经青春年少,电影中部分情节点出了人始终要成长,要为自己的将来负责。最后的歌曲就是整部电影想要表达的意境。