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介绍:法国家喻户晓同名漫画改编!喜剧专业户让·杜雅赫丹、梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德三大巨星同台竞技,演绎西部浪漫又刺激的传奇故事.法2TF1收藏版+完整花絮+独家优质中文译制+OST. 剧情 影片讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人,演绎了一段浪漫又刺激的传奇故事这是法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼继小淘气尼古拉、高卢英雄阿斯特里克后创造的另一个漫画人物改编而成的电影,当这些漫画人物走向世界,他们的语言已深入法国人的日常生活中,就像“幸运星卢克”常说的那句“举枪的速度比他的影子还快”。 幕后花絮 《幸运星卢克》改编自法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼《高卢英雄大战凯撒王子》系列之外的另一代表作,讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人的故事,由法国电视喜剧明星“男孩让”让·杜雅赫丹主演,帅哥梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德分别扮演杰西·詹姆和灾难简。影片由新锐喜剧导演詹姆斯·胡特(《神奇手机》)执导,编剧更是由今年创下法国票房记录...





    介绍:以孩童视角旁观成人世界的独立电影《渡鸦之间》(Among Ravens),被曾出品过《小小阳光》(娜奥米·沃茨主演)、《寂静城市》等影片的Gravitas公司买下,今日发布一支全长预告片   预告片亦以十岁女孩乔伊(Joey)的口吻出之,以群集的渡鸦隐喻身边的成人。她的母亲、继父、生父,以及其他几位朋友,每年7月4日都会在爱达荷举行一次聚会。这一年的聚会上,一个身为摄影师的新人加入,于是众人之间的秘密和过往,渐次暴露于镜头之前。   影片由曾出演《蝴蝶效应》的艾米·斯马特主演,7月18日北美上映。





      介绍:厌倦了逼仄脏乱的小公寓,正值青春年少的美丽女孩冰通过网络找到一所宽敞阔气且租金极为便宜的大房子,事不宜迟,她连忙致电屋主预约时间,并叫上同公寓好友妮娜随她一同看房虽然妮娜对该房第一印象不佳,却无法改变冰的决定。不久之后,满心欢喜的冰搬入新居,谁知从第一天开始便有怪事在身边发生。在此之后,种种诡异事件交替发生,甚至冰的意识也受到侵袭。担心好友的安危,妮娜赶来冰的身边。 只是恐怖事件并未就此告一段落,仿佛被诅咒了一般,美丽女孩落入充满玄幻和恐怖气息的死亡陷阱之中……





        介绍:Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his grandfather's cellar.





          介绍:Abigail Clayton独自一人生活,已将近20年没有离开她的公寓当她的邻居死亡,侦探Frank Giardello登门造访展开调查,她原本秩序井然的世界开始瓦解。 Abigail Clayton独自一人生活。一个人非常孤独。实际上,这位女继承人没有离开她的曼哈顿公寓已将近20年。当她年迈的邻居死亡促使纽约市警察局凶杀案侦探Frank Giardello登门造访展开调查,内心恐惧不安的Abigail Clayton看到那位侦探在她门外,询问她。Abigail Clayton曾试图收购现在空置的那个公寓以确保她的隐私,当新租户莉莲和查理搬进来时就更加烦恼了。Abigail Clayton焦急地从她的前门的安全窥视孔监视她的新邻居,但当她终于面对面地遇到了莉莲和查理时她原本秩序井然的世界开始瓦解,她庇护的存在也开始成为意外和恐怖的方式威胁着。 An heiress who's been shut inside her apartment building for nearly two decades is forced to confront her fears after one of her neighbors is killed and a detective arrives to begin the investigation. Abigail Clayton lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the attractive heiress has not left her Manhattan loft apartment for almost two decades. The famous daughter of a wealthy industrialist, Abigail disappeared from the prying eyes of the press and the intrusiveness of her family on her 18th birthday, the day she received her massive inheritance. During years of self-imposed isolation, Abigail has had contact with only two people-her building's Concierge, Klandermann, with whom she communicates via notes-and Dr. Raymond Fontaine, a longtime family friend and her sole confidant for most of her life. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, asking to question her. Having tried to acquire the dead woman's now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy... A reclusive Manhattan heiress finds her carefully structured world beginning to crumble after her elderly neighbor dies, and a young couple moves into the vacant apartment. On her 18th birthday, Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) received a staggering inheritance from her late father, an affluent industrialist. That same day, Abigail also escaped the probing lenses of the paparazzi by sealing herself away from the world in her massive loft. Nearly twenty years later, the only people Abigail interacts with are Klandermann (Kevin Pollak) the Concierge, and Dr. Raymond Fontaine (Beau Bridges), a trusted family friend. One day, Abigail's elderly neighbor dies under mysterious circumstances, and Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) comes knocking on Abigail's door looking for answers. Concerned that the open apartment could provide a perfect perch for prying eyes, Abigail inquires about purchasing it to no avail. Shortly thereafter, Abigail spies Charlie (Jason Lee) and Lillian (Amy Smart) moving into the apartment. In the weeks that follow, Abigail begins religiously using her peephole to scrutinize her new neighbors' every move. But she can't stay locked away forever, and the moment Abigail meets Charlie and Lillian in person, the nightmare begins. Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the heiress has not left her Manhattan apartment for almost two decades. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, questioning her. Having tried to acquire the now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy, Abigail is further upset when new tenants Lillian (Amy Smart) and Charlie (Jason Lee) move in. Abigail anxiously monitors her new neighbors from the safety of her front door's peephole, but her well-ordered world begins to unravel when she finally encounters Lillian and Charlie face-to-face and her sheltered existence becomes threatened in unexpected and terrifying ways.